daily velog Day 57: Sprint (Async & Promise) I had a big drop in self confidence and lost my pace on catching up on to the bootcamp, however, during the past week's pair programming I met this great 2 guys who helped me to understand what callback and promises are ... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES Day 55: Asynchronous Call A function that receives a parameter can execute the callback function immediately(synchronously) or later(asynchronously) as needed. Correct Answers: Wrong Answers: 2. The result of the request happens at the same time ... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES Blog Day 44: removeExtremes Take an array with a string as an element and return an array with the shortest and longest strings removed. In the first loop, the code iterates through the given array and if the length of the element is larger than th... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES Blog Day 13: Primitive , Reference Type, Scope, and Metaverse Today I learned about two different types of data storage which is primitive type and reference type. let a = 1;), on the other hand reference type stores an address that leads to a storage called 'heap.' There are two d... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES Blog Day 28: transformFirstAndLast Algorithm questions for us to let us practice and not forget about past lessons. A question a day or more if you can actually bear it(I failed on the 2nd question today). To remind myself and also add something to my dai... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES Day 56: 03_isSubsetOf I solved an algorithm problem which gave a base and a sample array as an input variable and required me to come up with an algorithm that can check if the sample array is a subset of the base array. I first tried to use ... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES
Day 57: Sprint (Async & Promise) I had a big drop in self confidence and lost my pace on catching up on to the bootcamp, however, during the past week's pair programming I met this great 2 guys who helped me to understand what callback and promises are ... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES Day 55: Asynchronous Call A function that receives a parameter can execute the callback function immediately(synchronously) or later(asynchronously) as needed. Correct Answers: Wrong Answers: 2. The result of the request happens at the same time ... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES Blog Day 44: removeExtremes Take an array with a string as an element and return an array with the shortest and longest strings removed. In the first loop, the code iterates through the given array and if the length of the element is larger than th... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES Blog Day 13: Primitive , Reference Type, Scope, and Metaverse Today I learned about two different types of data storage which is primitive type and reference type. let a = 1;), on the other hand reference type stores an address that leads to a storage called 'heap.' There are two d... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES Blog Day 28: transformFirstAndLast Algorithm questions for us to let us practice and not forget about past lessons. A question a day or more if you can actually bear it(I failed on the 2nd question today). To remind myself and also add something to my dai... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES Day 56: 03_isSubsetOf I solved an algorithm problem which gave a base and a sample array as an input variable and required me to come up with an algorithm that can check if the sample array is a subset of the base array. I first tried to use ... daily velogCODESTATESbootcampData scientistCODESTATES